This is the seventh article following The Irony of Quitting My Job to Take a Sabbatical, the first in a series on what I learned and what I’d recommend from quitting my job to take a six-month sabbatical (without another job in sight). Here, I share the key to committing to true change, instead of opting for quick fixes or despairing before true change takes place.

“Have patience with all things, but first of all with yourself.”
– Saint Francis de Sales
Patience isn’t my strength.
I feel pressurized discomfort as I manage my default impatience in random, everyday situations.
My chest tightens, my breath shortens, and I feel a sense of urgency in the air. It’s as though something horrible is going to happen unless I take quick action to resolve the issue immediately. This happens less often these days, but I used to be constantly on edge.
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