In our last article, we covered how it’s to the benefit of all when you spend time on your Art. Each of us is an Artist in our own unique way. It is your responsibility to uncover and share it with the world.
If you need help uncovering your Art, here are some tips for figuring it out.
4 ways to uncover your Art:
Do Something New
If you don’t know where to start with uncovering your Art, just go do something new you haven’t done before. Try what you’ve always wondered about and simply haven’t made the time or taken action on signing up for it. The novelty and act of a new activity will automatically put you in a more open and energized frame of mind. You’ll be more likely to make new connections and come up with new ideas afterwards.
Reflect and Brainstorm
Block out 30 minutes to reflect and jot down ideas of what interests you, either in a quiet room or while out on a walk. Where does your energy naturally go when you have free time? What topic do you talk endlessly about or remember the most details? What are you more knowledgeable than your friends about? What activity fills you with accomplishment? What do you lose your sense of time in and enjoy, even when there are some challenges to work through? Are there any commonalities between ideas you’ve jotted down?
Take a Mini Sabbatical
Take 2-3 days in a row off. Don’t schedule anything on these days. Wake up and see where your energy naturally takes you. The only rule is you are not allowed to passively watch or consume any information without directly applying the information afterwards by the end of the sabbatical period (i.e. watching TV, reading a book, browsing social media, etc.). You may wonder what to do with yourself during that time. Stay open and curious. Play. Not able to block out several days? Try the exercise below!
Take an Afternoon Challenge
Slot a period of several hours for yourself without anything planned. Within this time, you are not allowed to watch TV, or read, or be a consumer of any content. Instead you will produce something, either in the form of exerted physical energy, written/created content, or some specific outcome.
What other ways to uncover your art have worked for you? Please share them! In our next article, we’ll share ideas on how to give your identified Art more momentum.
Like what you see? Need more help? We may be able to help at Uncoveries.